Is Laser Hair Removal Effective on Darker Skin?

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If shaving and waxing take up too much time, consider laser hair removal. This treatment uses controlled laser energy to disable the hair follicles so they cannot grow back. Long-term hair removal might sound like a dream come true, but many people with dark skin tones are unsure if they can benefit from treatment. So, how does laser hair removal work? And is laser hair removal safe for dark skin?

Lynch Vein & Aesthetics uses the advanced Harmony XL PRO laser by Alma™ Lasers to provide individuals of all backgrounds a noninvasive way to eliminate hair. Dr. Matthew Lynch is a board-certified general surgeon who offers safe and effective services in Peoria, AZ. Request a consultation and learn more about laser hair removal side effects by calling our team.

What is laser hair removal?

When laser hair removal first became popular, the right candidate had dark hair and fair skin. The laser is designed to detect pigmentation in the skin to destroy the follicle. Early lasers did not have the capability to distinguish between dark skin and dark hair. As aesthetic technology has developed over the years, people of many different skin profiles can undergo treatment.

Today, candidates for laser hair removal simply struggle with ingrown hair or unwanted hair on the body. Patients should still take the time to research their options and seek out a trained medical professional before scheduling a session. Dr. Lynch can perform a detailed assessment and see whether your skin tone is a match for our systems.

How does laser hair removal work?

So, how does laser hair removal work? At your appointment, you can relax in one of our treatment rooms as your skin is cleaned to remove any dirt, oil, and moisturizers. Our staff will slightly stretch the area to create an easy pathway between the hair follicle root and the laser. Many individuals describe the sensation as a rubber band snapping on the skin. However, most people find the experience tolerable.

Since hair follicles grow in different cycles, you will require 3 – 5 sessions to see ideal results. This is because lasers only destroy follicles when they are in an active growth stage. Sessions are spaced out 3 – 4 weeks to give the treated areas a chance to heal and the inactive hairs to regrow. This is why it is important to attend your appointments in Peoria, AZ, consistently to achieve the best results.

Laser hair removal side effects

Following laser hair removal for dark skin, you might feel a little sensitive to sunlight. In between appointments, protect your skin using a high-SPF sunscreen. Lynch Vein & Aesthetics can suggest simple ways to make your skin feel comfortable, such as applying cold packs and soothing creams at home. Some common laser hair removal side effects include redness or irritation, but this should not last long.

Laser hair removal for dark skin

Many of our patients want to know – is laser hair removal safe for dark skin? Our answer is yes. Laser technology is a great way to eliminate the need for shaving, waxing, and other inconvenient methods of hair removal. Board-certified general surgeon Dr. Matthew Lynch frequently works with people of all skin tones and hopes to provide excellent results. Learn about laser hair removal for dark skin with a visit to Lynch Vein & Aesthetics in Peoria, AZ. Our professionals can prepare you for treatment and ensure optimal results.

* All information subject to change. Images may contain models. Individual results are not guaranteed and may vary.