When you advance in age, you will likely see a gradual decrease of facial fullness or laxity in particular regions of your figure. This natural process may cause you to look worn down or less youthful. To treat these aesthetic insecurities, Dr. Matthew Lynch is excited to perform a unique treatment called laser-assisted liposuction and fat grafting utilizing the cutting-edge BeautiFill device at our facility in Peoria, AZ. This minimally invasive system transfers laser light within the skin to easily extract unwanted fat from regions, like the hips, thighs, and stomach. The purified tissue is then re-injected into selected facial or body areas to give you smooth, youthful-looking fullness. Using BeautiFill as an alternative to synthetic fillers, you can volumize the cheeks, lips, the eye region, or the around the mouth. Additionally, we can use the unwanted fat for body shaping by increasing fullness in the breasts or bottom. This proven procedure requires no real time to recover, making it a great choice when compared to surgical fat grafting. To learn more regarding the benefits of laser lipo and fat grafting, reach out to Lynch Vein & Aesthetics to set up a visit.

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It can be difficult to reduce unwanted fat through traditional diet and exercise. Even small fat pockets can make you self-conscious about your curves. BeautiFill uses advanced laser-assisted liposuction to extract unwanted fat from common problem areas like the hips, thighs, and abdomen. The purified tissue is then re-administered into select facial areas for natural fullness. Our patients love BeautiFill because:

  • It is minimally invasive
  • There is little to no downtime
  • You can see results immediately
  • It can be tailored to your individual goals